Cat, Tressym

A flying wizard pet cat. A tiny beast.

A housecat with wings.

HD: 0 Armor: none
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Move: fast, climb and fly fast  

It can smell and see very well, allowing it to operate stealthily in the dark without troubles. It can even smell illusions and poisons.

Attacks (1/round)

Cats are too weak to inflict lethal damage with their attacks.

Random Encounter
  1. Monster: 1D8 tressyms.
  2. Lair: Hard to reach shelves or gutters. 1/2 chance there are 2D6 kittens.
    Omen: A cat’s meow, very close.
  3. Spoor: A dead mouse.
  4. Tracks: A single tressym, just out of range.
  5. Trace: A hair ball
  6. Trace: A gnawed wizard slipper.
Salvaging the body

There’s not much to gain their besides a bit of fur and feather.

D6 Symbolism

In local cultures the bat is a symbol of …

  1. Wizards
  2. Good luck
  3. Love
  4. Magic
  5. Witch
  6. Sacred


The original tressym is strangely more durable than a goblin, but other than that, it’s a perfectly serviceable and enchanting familiar. There is another 2e monster that is that is virtually identical, the Jana-qitat, found in the Al-Qadim bestiary, with less magical powers but a giant version. — SaltyGoo

Written on November 14, 2020